No reaction | → |
* A multi-membrane protein ER membrane associated protein complex that mediates the en-bloc transfer of 14 sugar LLO to N-X-S/T motif in nascent polypeptide
* STT3 is the catalytic core of this complex
* Stt3 forms a complex with the accessory membrane proteins DDOST/OST48, RPN1/ribophorin I, RPN2/ribophorin II, DAD1, Ost4, TUSC3/N33 and MGAT1/IAP in mammals for maximal ativity.
* There are two STT3 genes: STT3A and STT3B. Human Stt3A and Stt3B have redundant functions in the co-translational N-glycosylation. Stt3B also mediates the post-translational N-glycosylation after some time, rather than just at the time when the protein enters the ER from the ribosome.
* Glc[0-3]Man[0-9]GlcNAc2β1-PP-Dol + Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr -> Dol-PP + Glc[0-3]Man[0-9]GlcNAc2β1-Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr.
ER | Cis- | Medial- | Trans- | TGN |
RPN2/hsa-let-7c-5p |
miRNA Target | Site Type | Pos. | Context Score | Frac. | Wt. Context | Frac. | Conserved | Quality |
8mer | 1347-1354 | -0.56 | 99.0 | 0.0 | 13.0 | noncon |